
For Ever And Ever by Mary Burchell
For Ever And Ever by Mary Burchell

For Ever And Ever by Mary Burchell For Ever And Ever by Mary Burchell For Ever And Ever by Mary Burchell

In its tone and its look at post-war politics and social gradations, I was reminded in some elusive way of Helen MacInnes, a mystery writer of the same era. The main love interest is a bit dreary, really, but Anya wants him, and that's all that really matters. As someone on Goodreads noted, there is not a lot of romance in this one it feels like Burchell rolled one in so that Harlequin would publish it with her other work. Published in 1957, it details the feelings arising in a young woman, Anya Beranova, as a result of being a Displaced Person after the war. I just found out about this particular book recently, and though I don't review much of my genre reading, I wanted to share this one. From my first introduction to her charming romances, But Not For Me (now a favourite) to the discovery of her quite astonishing life and her memoir We Followed Our Stars - also republished as Safe Passagein 2008 -I've found her completely fascinating. I've read a lot of Mary Burchell's Harlequin romances over the years.

For Ever And Ever by Mary Burchell