
Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh
Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh

Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh

  • Stretch to Sketch/Reading Response: This is an activity that follows up on a book that was read these types of activities intend to reinforce the topics in the book.
  • However, parents can use these books with children because the pictures are very big and they are often fun to read. They can be easily seen by children in a small group.
  • Big Books: Big Books are over-sized picture books with enlarged pictures and print.
  • Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh

    This will differ for different ages and is important to be aware of because ANY aged child can participate in literacy development though book handling as adults you should be aware of this concept and encourage it based on their age. Book Handling: Book handling is any exposure and experiences with handling (touching, turning the pages, pointing to etc.) books.

    Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh